Last Crusade 68: Mom
At a literal and figurative crossroads, Indiana Jones argues with Henry about the most important character we never meet, Indy's...
At a literal and figurative crossroads, Indiana Jones argues with Henry about the most important character we never meet, Indy's...
Cozy in his sidecar, Henry geeks out on boobytraps, and Indy gets mad at him for using a diary exactly...
Indy and Henry break away from the last motorcycled Nazi and stop for a crossroads chat. Motorcycle expert Lise Valentine...
Indiana Jones officially becomes a knight on his father's crusade as he jousts against a Nazi Kradfahrer. Gary Roby joins...
Indiana Jones and his father roar out of a crate in a motorcycle and shove a couple of Nazis into...
After Henry Jones Sr. channels his inner H.L. Mencken, Indiana Jones decides that the best Scooby Doo fakeout is a...
Indiana Jones and his dad use some quick thinking and fast chimney climbing to escape the clutches of the evil...
As Germany declares war on the Jones boys, Indiana Jones and his dad take a Lazy Susan trip through a...
As Donovan prepares to drive away, Sean Connery uses Indy's lucky lighter to light the room on fire. Pete, Gerry...
Elsa shows Indiana Jones how Austrians say goodbye. Vogel shows him how Germans say goodbye. And Tom, Gerry and Pete...
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We'd like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Pete and Alex at the Star Wars Minute. They started this Minute Podcast idea and they were kind enough to let us steal it (although it's possible they're just averting their eyes and waiting for our faces to melt off).
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