Raiders Minute 10: Adios, Stupido
Satipo and Barranca pay the pointy price for crossing Indiana Jones.
Satipo and Barranca pay the pointy price for crossing Indiana Jones.
Our hosts gaze into Satipo's heart and see themselves.
Gerry admits to being as big of a slob as Indy, who traipses towards the idol with not enough sand...
Indy abuses Satipo some more before making sure he's safe from darts, and Pete ruins everything by describing the idol....
Forrestal seems deeply disappointed about Indy, about archeology, and about cashing in on a wall of spikes.
Indy and Satipo ruin cinema's greatest spiderwebs.
Our hosts finally understand this movie, if not Barranca's actions against Tom Sell-- er, Indiana Jones.
Our presumed hero Barranca and his trusty sidekick Satipo find a delicious dart, the origins of which will be debated for maybe...
The head guide finds a head and heads out.
Welcome! Our show doesn't officially launch until Monday, May 2nd, but because you're so awesome, here's Monday's episode early! Starting on Tuesday, join...
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You can find the link to our very first episode (Minute 1) of Raiders of the Lost Ark right here.
Or you can start at episode one of Temple of Doom here.
1.) Check out our Patreon Page and get IJM swag as well as our weekend show focusing on Indiana Jones Comic Books, Jaws, Close Encounters and lots more to come.
We'd like to offer our most heartfelt thanks to the great Kevin Murphy (of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and RiffTrax fame) for writing our theme song!
We'd like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Pete and Alex at the Star Wars Minute. They started this Minute Podcast idea and they were kind enough to let us steal it (although it's possible they're just averting their eyes and waiting for our faces to melt off).
If you haven't heard their absolutely fantastic podcast yet, please check it out:
© 2025 — Indiana Jones Minute.