Temple of Doom Minutes 87-88: J.W. Rinzler
ALL UP is available for preorder now at jwrinzler.com, for the introductory price of only $2.99. Author of the The Making of Star Wars and The Complete Making of Indiana Jones, New York Times and London Times Bestsellers, J. W. Rinzler has also written for the Emmy award-winning animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. His adaptation of George Lucas’s rough draft of “The Star Wars” was awarded the Diamond Gem Award as Best Licensed Comic for 2013–and was a #1 NY Times Bestseller. He directed the animated short Riddle of the Black Cat, which was accepted into the Montreal World Film Festival, among others.
He can be found online at http://www.jwrinzler.com/ or on Twitter @jwrinzler
He can be found online at http://www.jwrinzler.com/