Current Guest(s):
Gary Roby is the producer and co-host of “Harry Potter Minute“, which is currently wrapping up it’s second season. Instead of a haitus between seasons, he also hosted “Ferris Bueller’s Minute Off“, and the soon-to-be-upcoming Steven Universe podcast “Galaxy Warp”, all of which can be heard on When he’s not podcasting, he can be found rewatching any number of things (probably Scott Pilgrim vs the World). You can find him on facebook or twitter @thegaryroby.
A listener of several shows but host of none; he has heretofore been satisfied with offering sassy comments on the various Listeners’ groups and is filled with horror to hear his own recorded voice.
C.D. has been onboard with Indiana Jones Minute since Raiders Minute #1. He has eaten a burrito with Gerry Porter, and is, as of press time, the only person in the world with an Otto von Bluto “BREATH” shirt. He believes in the Carbonite Dream and will fully agree with anyone who says “This some of the best work ever produced by John Williams,” about basically any cue from the entire Indiana Jones series.
In December 2017, he will join Indiana Jones Minute’s own Pete Mummert and Spinal Tap Minute’s Sean German in a Christmas special for the Movies by Minutes, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Days.
When not listening to people analyze, criticize and celebrate movies one minute at a time, he enjoys playing music with One Moe Time, playing ice hockey, and most of all, spending time at home with his wife and children. He can be found in the various Listener’s Societies wherever fine listeners gather, at (the database he is working on that endeavors to tie this whole crazy Movies by Minutes community together) or at, a charitable organization founded by Chris and his wife Danyelle in memory of their first child, Emilia.

CD and Gerry Share a Moment
Upcoming Guest(s):
Previous Guests:
Christy isn’t really a guest but we’re putting her here just because we love it when she’s on the show and want to make sure everybody else knows she’s coming on too. You can find her full bio here.
Film and TV Editor, The Verge. Former Senior Editor at The A.V. Club and Pitchfork’s film site The Dissolve. Co-host of The Next Picture Show, a biweekly podcast that compares a new film with an older one that inspired it or helped shape its story. Occasional book reviewer at Twitter: @TashaRobinson, @NextPicturePod. Find us at:
While recently vacationing with his No Time for Heroics co-host Ainsley, Andrew “chose wisely” and stayed at this old dude’s Airbnb.
Christy isn’t really a guest but we’re putting her here just because we love it when she’s on the show and want to make sure everybody else knows she’s coming on too. You can find her full bio here.

He is also a coordinator and producer working in international outside broadcast and studio TV. Jamie predominantly works on TV coverage for Formula One Grands Prix around the globe.
You can find out more about Jamie’s Filmumentaries here.
Don’t blink…
His podcast can be found here.
Director, Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
In 1982, Eric Zala, along with childhood friends, began a shared obsession—filming a shot-for-shot remake of Steven Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. They were only twelve years old and it would take seven years—the entirety of their teenage lives—to finish it. It has become one of the most talked-about and sought-after cult films in cinematic history.
Eric’s work was praised by the director of the original RAIDERS, Steven Spielberg, became the subject of a book, and now – a critically-acclaimed documentary currently viewable on Netflix. RAIDERS!: THE STORY OF THE GREATEST FAN FILM EVER MADE covers the original ingenious DIY production and the reunion 25 years later to finish the final airplane scene. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: THE ADAPTATION — the ultimate Do-It-Yourself success story—has deeply moved just about everyone who has seen it.
Eric and wife Cassie formed ZALA DETOURS to bring its story and lessons to schools and businesses. As the educational world discovers Project-Based Learning… REMAKING RAIDERS gives PBL context, showcasing the kinds of skills many of today’s more innovative schools want students to learn: Resourcefulness, perseverance, collaboration, solution seeking, creative thinking, goal setting, storyboarding, and the ability to prototype and iterate (minus the need for open flames in a basement, of course).
Andre Julian is a first-generation American-born entrepreneur with a primary focus in the financial industry. Andre holds a Master’s Degree from the University of California, Irvine, and after graduate school started his career working for an independent investment firm. He eventually became a partner, owner and CFO of a private firm and came into the public eye for his commentary on television and radio. With years spent as a television analyst for the financial media, Andre’s opinions have reached a wide audience through his appearances on Bloomberg Television, CNBC, Fox News Channel, ABC News and other networks. Supplementary to his primary career, Andre is heavily involved in giving back through his work in education, mentoring and charity. He is both a perennial guest lecturer and executive mentor for the MBA Program at the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine, where he was awarded Mentor of the Year in 2016.

Dan is also a member of Bay Area sketch group Naptime and a stand-up comedian who has performed for multiple people in many inclusive venues. As none of these things have caught on, he moonlights as a working stiff.

Christy’s first episode on the Indiana Jones Minute can be heard here.
Director, Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation
In 1982, Eric Zala, along with childhood friends, began a shared obsession—filming a shot-for-shot remake of Steven Spielberg’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. They were only twelve years old and it would take seven years—the entirety of their teenage lives—to finish it. It has become one of the most talked-about and sought-after cult films in cinematic history.
Eric’s work was praised by the director of the original RAIDERS, Steven Spielberg, became the subject of a book, and now – a critically-acclaimed documentary currently viewable on Netflix. RAIDERS!: THE STORY OF THE GREATEST FAN FILM EVER MADE covers the original ingenious DIY production and the reunion 25 years later to finish the final airplane scene. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: THE ADAPTATION — the ultimate Do-It-Yourself success story—has deeply moved just about everyone who has seen it.
Eric and wife Cassie formed ZALA DETOURS to bring its story and lessons to schools and businesses. As the educational world discovers Project-Based Learning… REMAKING RAIDERS gives PBL context, showcasing the kinds of skills many of today’s more innovative schools want students to learn: Resourcefulness, perseverance, collaboration, solution seeking, creative thinking, goal setting, storyboarding, and the ability to prototype and iterate (minus the need for open flames in a basement, of course).
He can be found online at
Justin Hopkins (b 1986) grew up in the small town of Mukilteo, Washington. Immersed in the arts early on, Justin began drawing at age six; garnering corporate advertising assignments by the age of fourteen.
After graduating from high school his talent caught the eye of legendary illustrator Charles White III, who hired Justin to work for his Architectural design company Olio Inc.
Upon relocating to Los Angeles, Justin began creating works for Google, REDBULL, Wired-Magazine, Pabst, and ESPN. These experiences allowed Justin to delve into various mediums, always refining his talent and pushing the boundaries of his creativity.
In late 2012, Justin began working almost exclusively with oils and currently juggles life between LA, Seattle and Brooklyn .
He is also a coordinator and producer working in international outside broadcast and studio TV. Jamie predominantly works on TV coverage for Formula One Grands Prix around the globe.
You can find out more about Jamie’s Filmumentaries here.

Verge Film Critic. Former Senior Editor at The A.V. Club and The Dissolve. General pop-culture writer. Podcaster with @NextPicturePod, which puts big new movies in the context of big old movies. Freelancer at NPR and other sites. Twitter: @TashaRobinson.

You also hear Brett and Josh on “Twelve Chimes, It’s Midnight,” a new audio drama anthology that pays tribute to radio suspense thrillers of the 1930’s and 40’s
You can also find Brett behind the camera. “Swing Shift,” a pulp-horror comedy short, has played at numerous film festivals across the USA.
He serves as the head of his local Temple of Doom youth group, which if you think about it would really be a full time job down there.
His podcast can be found here.
And she is not afraid of exotic critters either.

His podcast can be found here.
Jay is a well-known Indian restaurateur in the Los Angeles and Mayapore areas.
Mark Gagliardi is best known for the Emmy-winning Comedy Central show Drunk History and as Croach the Tracker in The Thrilling Adventure Hour live show and hit podcast. He trained at Second City in LA, toured with National Lampoon Lemmings, appeared on dozens of TV shows (frequently as villains on Disney and Nickelodeon), played the Genie in Disney’s Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular, voiced Batman for the new D.C. Super Friends, and currently co-hosts We Got This with Mark & Hal on the Maximum Fun Network.
The co-host of “We Got This with Mark and Hal” and “Tights and Fights” podcasts on the Maximum Fun Network and “Surprisingly Nice”, Hal Lublin is an accomplished actor and improviser. Best known for his work as one of the core WorkJuice players in “The Thrilling Adventure Hour” and Steve Carlsberg on “Welcome to Night Vale”, Hal plays Wide Wale, Manolo, and others on “The Venture Brothers” and plays Omnibus (among others) on Cartoon Network’s “Mighty Magiswords”.
His work runs the gamut from animated films and television programs to radio shows and video games for CBS, Happy Madison, Disney, SiriusXM, SyFy, JibJab, Wired and more. Hal trained with Second City, The Groundlings and IO West, and has been improvising and performing sketch comedy for over 20 years.

A listener of several shows but host of none; he has heretofore been satisfied with offering sassy comments on the various Listeners’ groups and is filled with horror to hear his own recorded voice.
C.D. has been onboard with Indiana Jones Minute since Raiders Minute #1. He has eaten a burrito with Gerry Porter, and is, as of press time, the only person in the world with an Otto von Bluto “BREATH” shirt. He believes in the Carbonite Dream and will fully agree with anyone who says “This some of the best work ever produced by John Williams,” about basically any cue from the entire Indiana Jones series.
In December 2017, he will join Indiana Jones Minute’s own Pete Mummert and Spinal Tap Minute’s Sean German in a Christmas special for the Movies by Minutes, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Days.
When not listening to people analyze, criticize and celebrate movies one minute at a time, he enjoys playing music with One Moe Time, playing ice hockey, and most of all, spending time at home with his wife and children. He can be found in the various Listener’s Societies wherever fine listeners gather, at (the database he is working on that endeavors to tie this whole crazy Movies by Minutes community together) or at, a charitable organization founded by Chris and his wife Danyelle in memory of their first child, Emilia.

CD and Gerry Share a Moment
Christy’s first episode on the Indiana Jones Minute can be heard here.
Heather Airgood can be found at Wanderlust Jewelers in Cleveland, Ohio.
Now he has taken his love of science fiction and Star Trek in particular to the next level by co-hosting the Star Trek Minute podcast with his friend since junior high, Dave Stoker.
When he’s not podcasting, Chris manages to also be a husband, a father of two amazing kids, and a self-proclaimed (and most would agree) nerd. He also has a real job.
If you ever want to get into a deep and lengthy chat with Chris about something that’s not sci-fi, buy him a cup of coffee and ask what he loves about Peter Gabriel, or Lego, or Stephen King, or…

When he is not podcasting with his co-host Chris, he works as a Release Engineer at Standing Stone Games, watches movies, plays a lot of video games, has many, many, way too many Funko Pops!, cooks, and obsesses over his local sports teams.

of “The Star Wars” was awarded the Diamond Gem Award as Best Licensed Comic for 2013–and was a #1 NY Times Bestseller. He directed the animated short Riddle of the Black Cat, and is currently writing a novel. His children’s book, illustrated by Greg Knight, will be appearing soon.
He can be found online at
Christy’s first episode on the Indiana Jones Minute can be heard here.
Crystal Beth is a NYC based comedian and podcaster and has been watching movies since forever. Not only has she been on Indiana Jones Minute she has had the pleasure of being a guest on Star Wars Minute, Back to the Future Minute, Alien Minute, Wrath of Khan Minute (soon!), HuffPost, and is a host of the video game podcast Unlimited Lives on Cave Comedy Radio. Fact: She thinks she is better at watching movies than other people.
He’s the creator of the aborted meme Pina Colliding (look it up – it was great) and is writing on a new untitled pilot for Hearst in September. You can see him in the upcoming dark comedy “Me & Lizzie” opposite Rob Yang, Lucy Devito and OITNB’s Cathy Curtin, as well as the new season of Blue Bloods opposite Donnie Wahlberg, or last season’s Gotham, HAPPYish & Red Oaks. And you can find his face and/or voice in the latest campaigns from Samsung, E-*Trade, DELL, AT&T and Cree Lighting.
Also, Sean knows more about Dune than you do. Which is why he’s working on a one man stage version. You can thank him later.
Feel free to check out his inane web series “Life Hacks with David Strathairn” created entirely to showcase an impression for which there is 100% no demand.
He is also a coordinator and producer working in international outside broadcast and studio TV. Jamie predominantly works on TV coverage for Formula One Grand Prix around the globe.
You can find out more about Jamie’s Filmumentaries here.
He is also co-host of the No Time for Heroics podcast, a show about superhero movies and some not-so super hero movies. He once met two of the legless lizards from Raiders of the Lost Ark and was totally star struck. True story.
Dr. Eric Wells is an Egyptologist and Historian at the University of California, Los Angeles. If you like ancient Egypt or history make sure to check out his fantastic podcast: Eric’s Guide to Ancient Egypt!

And she is not afraid of exotic critters either.
We loved having Christy on the show so much that she has gone from being a guest to a member of the team. Christy will be taking on the role of Visiting Professor.
She will be in her office Thursday but not Wednesday. In other words, she’ll stop by periodically when she’s not busy checking out the antiquities market in Marrakesh or spelling out the meaning of Neolithic to yet another round of moon-eyed freshmen.
His podcast can be found here.
Christy’s first episode on the Indiana Jones Minute can be heard here.
In addition to co-hosting STAR WARS MINUTE, Alex Robinson is the author of several graphic novels, including BOX OFFICE POISON, TOO COOL TO BE FORGOTTEN and OUR EXPANDING UNIVERSE. He lives in Portland with his wife and their two cats, Tic Tac and Cookie.
Alex’s first episode on the Indiana Jones Minute can be heard here.
After spending over ten years as a Sci-Fi and Comic Book retailer, PTR is now the co-creator and co-host of Star Wars Minute and AlphaBeatical. Pete was once identified by the New York Post as NY’s ‘most hardcore’ Star Wars fan.
Pete’s first episode on the Indiana Jones Minute can be heard here.
Want to Start Listening from the Beginning?
Or you can start at episode one of Temple of Doom here.
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Thank The Maker!
If you haven't heard their absolutely fantastic podcast yet, please check it out: