The Indiana Jones Minute is a daily podcast about the Indiana Jones movies.
Each episode is devoted to one minute of the movies (in order) starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark. If you like what you hear, we invite you to subscribe to our podcast. You can also find each of our action-packed episodes with a short description on the Episodes Page. We also love archaeology (Thanks, Indy!) so click on the Archaeology News page if you want to read our Indy-inspired take on the latest news about archaeological finds and historical discoveries.
Who are we? Top. Men.
Tom Taylor was ten years old when Raiders of the Lost Ark came out. He is now much older but is still at least partially ten when he watches this movie, except when he’s assaulted with the incredibly bad Blu-ray version. He has known co-host Gerry since before Star Wars, but has only been best friends with him since Temple of Doom. And he’s known co-host Pete since around Revenge of the Sith. He’s the co-host of ABCDEVO and The Movie Hole podcasts, and is the author of In Memory of Todd Woods. Here’s a joke he just made up: Why did Sallah break up with his girlfriend? Bad dates.
Pete Mummert has been a crazed fan of Raiders of the Lost Ark since he was eight years old. He is fairly certain that the Indiana Jones movies are simply the bizarre fever dreams Han Solo had when he was encased in Carbonite. He also believes a lot of other ridiculous things about the movies and life in general. Here’s a joke he just made up: Why couldn’t Indy use miles to book his China Clipper flight to Manila? Bad dates.
Since seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gerry Porter has been inspired to search the globe for rare antiquities. Actually drums. He’s known Tom since birth, and Pete since their days at Marshall College, and believes that in a fight between Han Solo and Indiana Jones, we all win (until we all lose). When Gerry’s not shooting craps with the “bad egg” Hovitos, he’s installing Xboxes in every hut and slipping “Fortified Sunny D Jungle Punch with Pampas Berries” into every thatched lunch box. Here’s a joke he just made up: Why did the teacher make Gerry rewrite his number line? Bad Eights.
Visiting Professor
Christy Porter was so taken with Raiders of the Lost Ark that she listened to the 33 1/3 record every day after school. She’s known Ger since before (his) birth, and Tom and Pete from sometime after that. Nowadays, when she’s not humming the Mike Post TV theme song from The Greatest American Hero, she can be found singing Juice Newton’s Queen of Heart in her car, and quizzing people on the video played on MTV after they played the Buggles. Here’s a joke she just made up: Why did the Thai bookie chase the gambler? Baht Debts.
Want to Start Listening from the Beginning?
Or you can start at episode one of Temple of Doom here.
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